so it's been a bit of a busy time around these here parts, visits from out of towners, sickness, planning for my upcoming trip home/to Thailand, 1st birthday's and other things!
My favourite thing that I have finished in the last month or so (apart from individual hexipuffs of joy!) has to be the Orchids and Fairy Lights hat by Tiny Owl Knits (also the designer of the beekeepers quilt, coiincidence? I think not!)
how adorable is this hat? I made mine non-slouch so removed one complete repeat of pattern yarn: Cascade 220 in mustard |
flat out awesome it turns out that I LOVE NUPPS, especially in chunky monkey yarns! |
annnnddddd the long awaited END OF THE CLAPOTIS!!! CELEBRATION!
there was much confetti throwing (imagined) cheering (real) and high fiving of self (sadly, also real) when this one came off the needles at Jules' house last week at our end of Kitman KAL dinner, and then Jane helped me dropped down the last million stitches and it was finished finished!! So thanks ladies :D
if I look pretty pleased with myself in this photo, it's because I AM! also, rock on Harry Potter tshirt! |
I had decided to finish this one off early (instead of 4 skeins of the Yummy I only ended up using about 2.2 skeins) because
a) I was bored of knitting the stupid thing
c) I'd decided I now hated the colourway and would just give it away so it didn't have to be made to my ridiculous version of 'perfect length'
d) it was time to get a wriggle on to other projects
blocking Clapotis it goes up and over and down to the floor again around my double bed 'blocking' mattress |
but as it turns out, I know nothing about myself or knitting. It blocked out to be the perfect length (super long), it turned out to be wide enough to work as a wrap yet light enough to be the perfect scarf, and the colourway and pooling, I LOVE THEM. So, I'm sorry intended recipient, but I'm knitting you something else that is WAY less labour intensive and probably a bit more your style. (see also; Katie is LAZY)
and last but not least, knitting stuff for people who aren't even born yet! But, since I know their parents I am totally sure they are knit-worthy and guaranteed to be super cute with tiny feets and squishy bellies for tickling!
Saartje's for the Rush'n (A + L's bubby) the child of a tiny girl and giant basketball player i made these bigger than normal because, well, bubs might be huge Sorry Aimes! |
so that's it!