Friday, April 1, 2011

winter! winner!

wowowwwwhhoooooooo! as i write this it's 9.15am and it's NINE DEGREES C outside! how awesome is that?

i'm officially calling it almost wintry around here, which always makes me knit a bit more and hug my yarn a bit tighter. i love winter, i love how dapper all the men look in their coats and jackets and how lovely my face feels when it's squished up into a big  scarf made from Pear Tree. it's the best season, without a doubt.

so since the last post, I was going to do a WIP post but since one of the WIPS is now a FO it seems silly. These are the Ysolda Teague Grown Up Booties (slight mods, 2.5" seam along top edge to secure them and bulkier yarn). Made with gorgeous handspun that Jen spun! They are so squishy and delicious and 3 million times better than socks.

and ok, so they aren't going to win any beauty pageants if you don't have the mad love for garter stitch that i have, but i think they're pretty spunky!


  1. This morning was surprisingly chilly, wasn't it! It was making me realise how inadequate my winter wardrobe is!

    Your grown up bootees look so warm. I tried and failed miserably at that pattern, but I may need to revisit them now it's definitely Autumn...

  2. it was so lovely as cool! Mine too, I think this is the year I'll invest in a knee length wool coat, mine is from like 2002 and needs a revamp!

    they are so cozy and warm, give it a go, i didn't trust at all while i was knitting them, but it's ysolda so i figured it would work out in the end. I def recommend sewing them up more than just the toe bit as they slip off
